INTERNMENT is a staged reading of a television pilot written by Phinneas Kiyomura, directed by Academy Award winning director Chris Tashima, produced by Ren Hanami and John Money, and presented by the Japanese American National Museum.
INTERNMENT explores the lives of a gifted but deeply dysfunctional Japanese American family forcibly reunited by the internment of all Japanese Americans during World War II.
Written by Phinny Kiyomura
Directed by Chris Tashima
Starring (in alphabetical order):
Takayo Fischer
Ren Hanami
Teresa Huang
Shiori Ideta
Brittany Ishibashi
Rodney Kageyama
Hiro Matsunaga
Ken Narasaki
Lani Nishiyama
Jeanne Sakata
Aaron Takahashi
Jerry Tondo
Kirsten Vangsness
Greg Watanabe
Mike Wiles
Ping Wu
Tadamori Yagi
There will be one performance
100 North Central Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Entrance free with Museum Admission
Adults $9
Seniors (62 and over) $5
Students (with ID) and Youth (6-17) $5
Children 5 and under and JANM Members, Free.
Hope to see you there!